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Tohatsu service manual download

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Tohatsu service manual download. TOHATSU Outboard Manuals PDF 



Tohatsu outboard service manual PDF - Boat & Yacht manuals PDF


I 0 Torque specifications. I I Engine operation. Safety first. Service hints 21 28 Basic hand tools. Mechanics' techniques. Storage 80 97 Submersion. Fuelpumps Fuel filter replacement. Gearcase operation. Water pump Propeller removal and installation. Hundreds of pho- This chapter provides general information tos and drawings guide you through every step- useful to marine tohatsu service manual download and mechanics.

Chapter Two discusses the tools and tech- Troubleshooting, tune-up, maintenance and niques for preventive maintenance, trou- repair are not difficult if you know what tools bleshooting and repair.

Anyone Chapter Three describes typical equipment not afraid to get tohatsu service manual download hands dirty, of average problems and provides logical troubleshooting intelligence and with some mechanical ability, procedures.

Following chapters describe specific systems, See Chapter Two for more information on tools providing disassembly, repair, assembly and ad- and techniques.

You want to на этой странице form. Specifications concerning a specific sys- able to find information fast. These books are tem are included at the end of the appropriate designed with you in mind. All tohatsu service manual download are chapter. It will ING have specific meanings in this manual. A help you to better understand how your machine NOTE provides additional information to make runs, lower repair and maintenance costs and a step or procedure easier or clearer.

Disregard- generally increase your enjoyment of your ma- ing a NOTE could cause inconvenience, but rine equipment. Although diesel 2-strokes ex- sonal injury or even death could result from ist, they are not commonly used in light marine negligence.

Mechanical damage may also occur. In some cases, serious injury or death has resulted from disregarding similar warnings. Fastener design deter- mines the type of tool required to work with the Torque specifications throughout this manual fastener. Fastener material is carefully selected aervice given in foot-pounds ft.

Existing torque wrenches calibrated in meter-kilograms Threads can be used by performing a simple conversion: Nuts, bolts and screws are manufactured in a move the decimal point one place to the right. For example, 4. This conversion tohatsu service manual download range of thread patterns. To join a nut and bolt, the diameter of the bolt and the diameter of is accurate enough for mechanics' use even the hole in the nut must be the same.

It is just as though the exact mathematical conversion is 3. Be sure All marine engines, whether 2- or 4-stroke, both pieces are clean. If much force is required, gasoline or diesel, operate on the Otto cycle of check the thread condition on each fastener. Tohxtsu intake, compression, power and exhaust phases. Four important specifications describe every 4-stroke Cycle thread: a.

A 4-stroke engine requires two crankshaft b. Threads per inch. Thread pattern. Figure 1 shows gasoline 4-stroke d. Thread tohatsu service manual download. Figure 2 shows diesel 4-stroke Figure 4 shows the first two specifications. Thread pattern dervice more subtle. The threads are cut flat Figure 7. Most threads are cut so that the fastener must Bolts be turned clockwise to tighten it.

These are called tohatsu service manual download threads. Some fasteners have left- Commonly called bolts, the technical name hand threads; they must be turned counterclock- for these fasteners is cap screw. They are nor- wise to be tightened. Left-hand threads are used tohatsu service manual download described by diameter, threads per inch in locations where normal rotation of the equip- and length.

The measurement across two flats on the head of the bolt indicates the proper wrench Machine Screws manuak to be used. There are many different types of machine Nuts screws. Figure 6 shows a number of screw heads requiring different types of turning tools see Nuts are manufactured in a variety of types Chapter Two for detailed information.

Heads and sizes. There are two basic types of washers: flat Figure 8 tohatsu service manual download отличная human anatomy and physiology lab manual 12th edition free download почему types of nuts.

The washers and lockwashers. Flat washers are tohatsu service manual download common sfrvice is usually used with a lockwasher. Self-locking nuts have a nylon insert that pre- Lockwashers are designed to prevent a fastener vents the nut from loosening; no lockwasher is from working loose due to vibration, expansion required. Wing nuts are designed for fast re- and contraction. Figure 9 shows several types of moval by hand. Wing nuts are used for conven- Iockwashers. Note that flat washers are посетить страницу источник ience in non-critical locations.

This allows To indicate the size of a nut, manufacturers the fastener to be turned easily with a tool. This is similar to bolt specifi- Cotter Pins cation, but without the length dimension.

The measurement across two flats on the nut indi- Cotter pins Figure 10 are used to secure cates the proper wrench size serviec be used. The threaded stud.

Oil containers display these ratings This type of nut is по этому адресу a "Castellated nut. Cotter pins should not be reused after removal. API oil grade is indicated by letters, oils for gasoline engines are identified by an "S" and нажмите чтобы прочитать больше Snap Mnaual for diesel engines are identified by a "C.

They are used to retain items on shafts graded oil. Automotive and marine diesel en- external type or within tubes internal type. Snap rings can be reused if they are not distorted Viscosity is an indication of the oil's thick- during removal.

In some applications, snap rings ness, or resistance to flow. The SAE uses num- of varying thickness tohatsu service manual download be selected to control bers to indicate viscosity; thin oils have low the end play of parts assemblies. Engine oils fall into the Periodic lubrication ensures long service life 5WW and range. It is especially impor- Tohatsu service manual download oils for example, IOW are tant to marine equipment because it is exposed less viscous tohatsu service manual download at low temperatures and to salt or brackish water and other harsh environ- more viscous thicker at high temperatures.

This ments. The type of lubricant used is just as im- allows tohatsu service manual download oil to perform efficiently across a wide portant as the lubrication service itself; although, range of engine operating temperatures. The following paragraphs describe the types of lubricants most often used on marine equipment.

Be sure to follow the equipment manufacturer's recommendations for lubricant types. Generally, all liquid lubricants are called "oil. Grease is often classified by the type of thickener added; lithium and calcium soap are commonly used. Lubrication for a 2-stroke engine servkce provided by oil mixed with the incoming fuel-air mixture.

Some of the oil mist settles out in the crankcase, lubricating the crankshaft and lower e11d of the tohatsu service manual download rods. The rest of the oil enters the combustion chamber to lubricate the tohatsu service manual download, rings and cylinder wall.

This oil is then tohatsu service manual download along with the fuel-air mixture during the com- bustion process. Engine oil must have several special qualities to work well tohatsu service manual download a 2-stroke engine. It must mix easily and stay in suspension in gasoline.

When burned, it can't leave behind excessive deposits. It must also be able to withstand the high tem- peratures associated with 2-stroke engines. The oil's perfo ance in servvice follow- ing areas is toatsu a.

Lubrication prevention of wear and scuff- ing. Spark plug fouling. Piston ring sticking. Piston varnish. General engine condition including depos- its. Exhaust port blockage. Rust prevention. Mixing togatsu with tohatsu service manual download. In addition to oil grade, manufacturers specify the ratio of gasoline to oil required during break- in and normal engine operation.

Gear lubricants are tohatsu service manual download SAE viscosity numbers under the same system as 4-stroke en- cine oil. Some gear lubricants gohatsu multi-grade; for example, SAE 85W


Tohatsu – Service Manual Download.OWNER'S MANUALS | TECHNICAL INFORMATION | TOHATSU North America


Page Special Tool Maintenance 1. Page Inspection Schedule 2. Page Inspection Of Fuel Tank 3 Inspection of Fuel Tank 2 of fuel tank 1 counterclockwise Remove fuel pick up elbow to remove the part, and clean the filter 3.

Remove dirt and water from fuel tank 1 if any. Place a piece of rag below oil filter area, and remove it by using oil filter wrench 1. Remove upper oil plug 1 and check level of gear oil in the gear case.

Spill of some oil from plug hole as plug is removed indicates that gear case is filled with specified quantity of gear oil. Page 57 Remove lower unit installation bolts, and pull lower unit ass'y downward to remove. Remove pump upper case 3. Remove impeller 4 and check it.

Check upper pump case for deformation. Replace if necessary. Check impeller 4 and pump case liner 5 for crack and wear. Place drain oil pan below drain bolt 1, remove lower oil plug 1 and then upper oil plug 2 to drain oil.

Remove lower oil plug first when draining. Check gear oil for presence of metal particles, change of color abnormal if clouded , and viscosity. Remove upper oil plug 1 and connect a commercially available leakage tester to this hole. Apply specified pressure to gear base, and check if the pressure is maintained without further compression for 10 seconds. Check timing belt inner and outer surfaces for cracks, damages and wear while rotating flywheel clockwise with hands.

Remove recoil starter, belt cover and starter pulley. Screw puller onto crankshaft end until flywheel is disengaged from tapered section of crankshaft. Page Installation Of Timing Belt 13 Installation of Timing Belt Align locating lines a of new timing belt 1 as shown, face part number size up, and engage belt with timing pulley 2 and then with cam shaft pulley 3. Page 64 Maintenance Turn timing pulley 2 approximately 25 degrees counterclockwise to move belt tensioner 4 until cam shaft pulley 3 shifts one tooth approximately 11 degrees.

Use spark plug cleaner or wire brush to clean spark plug electrodes 1. Check electrodes 1 for corrosion or excessive build up of carbon, and washer 2 for damage. Check spark plug gap a. Shift gear into neutral N. Remove lock plate stop switch lanyard from stop switch. Or, set throttle grip to WOT position.

Remove throttle link rod 3 from throttle drum 1 and throttle cam 2. Check length a of throttle link rod. If necessary, loosen lock nut 4 and adjust length. Page 69 Attach throttle cable q. Adjust cable tension so that it moves approximately 1mm when pushed lightly with a finger.

Page 70 Maintenance Adjust screw-in length of cable joint y so that hole of cable joint is brought to shift arm pin u. After adjusting remote control cable joint, fix it with remote control cable fully pushed in. Lock joint with nut i, put it on the pin, and secure with washer and snap pin o. Run cord ass'y a and remote control cables s through grommet p located on the front of bottom cowl.

Attach remote control cable groove to bracket, and then fix it to bottom cowl. Page 72 Maintenance Loosen lock nut 8, remove snap pin 9 and washer, and then remote control cable joint 7. Remote Control Model Adjust length so that remote control cable joint 7 hole aligns with set pin.

Check PTT fluid quantity if necessary. Check that PTT motor produces noise of normal revolution. Leaving outboard motor without locking may lead to accidental descent due to reduction of PTT hydraulic pressure.

Attach tachometer to high tension cord 1 to check idle speed. More accurate and stable reading can be obtained when tachometer lead is connected with high tension cords of individual cylinders linked with each other.

Page Inspection Of Anodes Maintenance 24 Inspection of Anodes Check anode 1 and trim tab 2 for build up of scale and adherence of grease and oil. Clean, or replace if necessary. Page Inspection Of Propeller 26 Inspection of Propeller Check propeller blades and spline for cracks, damages, wear and corrosion. Remove cover 1 and thermostat 2. Hang thermostat 2 in the water contained in vessel.

Put thermometer in the water, and warm up water to measure valve opening temperature. Clean if necessary. Set outboard motor in the water and start engine. Check that cooling water is discharged from cooling water check port 3. If not, check water pump and cooling water passage in the engine.

Be sure to remove propeller before running engine on the land. Do not start engine with outboard motor placed in a closed area such as boat house. Page 80 Maintenance Check that cooling water check port discharges water, and run engine for 3 to 5 minutes at low speed.

Stop engine and stop water supply, remove flushing attachment 4, remove tape, attach and tighten water plug 5, and then, install propeller. Remove tape after flushing with water. Measure specific gravity of electrolyte. Charge battery if specific gravity is less than specified value. Put grease through grease nipples 1 until excessive grease appears from bush a. Apply grease to throttle cable and sliding areas. Apply thin coat of grease to starter motor pinion.

Apply grease to terminals of starter motor, starter solenoid and PTT solenoid. Page Piping Arrangement Diagram 2. Description No.. Drives injectors. Drives ignition coils. Page Sensors 1 Sensors Individual sensors detect engine operating conditions and sends signals regarding the information to ECU. As flywheel rotates, two pulser coils detects crank position in degree range of flywheel and sends the position signals to ECU.

Oil Pressure Switch Oil pressure switch is located on the port side of ending, and is projected into oil passage to which pressure between crank shaft and cam shaft from oil pump is applied. ISC valve is an electrical solenoid valve with built-in spring, and controls amount intake air that bypasses closed throttle valve.

Accidental malfunction of ECU stops engine. ECU provides the following functions. Calculates the most suitable fuel injection amount and ignition timing based on engine revolution speed, throttle position, intake vacuum, intake air temperature and engine cooling water temperature. Page Fuel Injection Timing 3 Fuel Injection Control ECU calculates intake air amount based on engine revolution speed and intake manifold pressure intake vacuum pressure to determine fuel injection amount. Page Starting Fuel Increase Correction Fuel System Fuel Injection 2 Starting Fuel Increase Correction At engine starting cranking , amount of first fuel injection of each cylinder is increased by extending injection period to facilitate starting.

In addition to this basic correction, information including cooling water temperature, atmospheric pressure and intake air temperature in the manifold from individual sensors are used to correct the engine operation to the best operating conditions.

In such case, engine speed is controlled but engine is not stopped. Ignition System For ignition system, pointless CD ignition system is adopted, and ECU's electronic ignition timing control system controls the timing to the most suitable state according to current operating conditions.

As engine is cranked, electric current is generated in the alternator's exciter coil and ECU charge coil, which is input to ECU's regulator to feed power needed for operations of ignition coil, fuel injector and fuel feed pump FFP.

Page Ignition Timing Controls 2 Ignition Control ECU's microcomputer is programmed with ignition timings best suited to engine's operating conditions.

ECU obtains information about engine operating state such as revolution speed, throttle opening, manifold pressure air intake vacuum pressure and cooling water temperature based on the signals from the abovementioned sensors to generate ignition timing signal at the most suitable timings. Page Fuel Feed System Fuel System Fuel Injection 3 Fuel Feed System Fuel pump 4 low pressure mechanical type draws fuel from fuel tank 1, and feed it to fuel feed pump 6 FFP located in the vapor separator 5 through fuel connector 2 and fuel filter 3.

Highly pressurized fuel passes through fuel cooler 7 and high pressure fuel filter 8, fed into fuel rail 9 and fuel injector 0, and then, injected into intake manifold.

Pump base is plastic components shuts off heat of engine block to protect fuel pump from engine heat. Inspection Items 1 Inspection of Fuel Supply System Piping Check the fuel system piping for fuel leak, dirt, deterioration and damage, and replace or clear parts if necessary.

Replace every hours or 2 years. Close fuel pump outlet with a finger and apply specified pressure. Check if no air leaks. Connect pressure gauge 2 as shown. Connect pressure gauge ass'y as shown, place a vessel below pressure relief hose, and open pressure relief valve to release fuel pressure. Check float for deformation. Check filter for dirt and clogging. Reinstall needle valve, float and float pin, and check that the parts moves smoothly.

Reassemble all parts that were removed. Check that hose is reconnected correctly. Page Special Tools Power Unit 1. Page Parts Layout 2. Description Remarks Description Remarks Page Inspection Items Power Unit 3. Inspection Items 1 Inspection of Compression Pressure Run engine 5 minutes to warm up, and then stop.

Remove lock plate from stop switch. This will prevent engine from accidental starting. Remove oil pressure switch and connect oil pressure gauge 1 to switch hole. Use commercially available oil pressure gauge. Disconnect breather hoses 1 2. Remove fuel pump 2. Disconnect cooling water fuel cooler hoses 2. Disconnect spark plug caps and ignition coils, and remove spark plugs and cylinder head cover 3.

Page Loosen rocker arm lock nut 6, and turn adjusting screw 7 to set valve clearance to specified value. Loosen flywheel nut. Loosen flywheel nut before removing power unit to make the work easier. Page Disconnect PTT switch coupler 4. PTT Model Disconnect throttle link rod 5.

Remove oil level gauge 6. Disconnect lower breather hose 7. Disconnect cooling water fuel cooler hose 8 and fuel hose 9. Remove apron q by removing bolts 0 2. Remove power unit by removing bolts w 6 and then lifting it. Page Power Unit Remove flywheel and key. Page Removing Timing Belt And Pulley 5 Removing Timing Belt and Pulley Turn timing pulley 1 clockwise to bring " " mark a of belt guide to " " mark b of cylinder block, and check that " " mark c of cam shaft pulley 2 and " " mark d of cylinder head are aligned with each other.

When loosening cam shaft pulley bolt, be careful not to turn cam shaft pulley. Remove nut 0, lock washer q, belt guide w, timing pulley e and key r.

Page Installation Of Pulley And Timing Belt 7 Installation of Pulley and Timing Belt " mark a of cam shaft Install cam shaft pulley, bring " pulley 1 to " " mark of cylinder head, and then, tighten bolt 2 to specified torque. Page Turn timing pulley t clockwise twice, and check that locating marks a and b, and c and d of pulleys t and y are aligned with each other respectively.

Loosen belt tensioner u bolt. Remove power unit. Refer to the section for removing power unit. Page Remove cylinder head bolts in the reverse sequence of order shown, and remove cylinder head. Remove oil pump ass'y 1. Loosen rocker arm lock nut, and loosen adjusting screw as much as possible. Page Inspection Of Valve Spring Power Unit Compress valve spring 4 by using compressor 6, remove cotter, and then, spring and valve. Valves, springs and other related parts should be arranged in the order they are removed.

Measure valve stem outer diameter b. Replace if the diameter is less than specified value. Apply thin coat of red lead on the valve seat.

Use valve lapper commercially available item as shown to push valve onto valve seat lightly. Measure width of area where valve face contacted with valve seat a that can be identified with red lead adhered to valve face.

Be careful not to over-cut valve seat. Turn valve seat cutter while pushing down evenly. Page Power Unit Use 45 degree cutter to adjust contact width of valve seat c to specified value. Page Inspection Of Rocker Arm And Rocker Arm Shaft Apply thin coat of abrasive compound on the overall valve seat contact area, and turn valve lapper commercially available item while tapping valve.

Replace if the height is less than specified value. Use straight edge 1 and thickness gauge 2 to check distortion of cylinder head in the directions shown. Replace if the distortion is over specified value. Cylinder Head Distortion Limit : 0. Replace oil pump if over specified value. Install cam shaft 2 from direction shown.

Check that " Remove oil filter 2. Wipe off spilt oil completely. Remove connecting rod bolts 3 and connecting rod cap 4, and then, crankshaft 5 and oil seal.

Piston Outer Diameter a : Standard Value Replace piston and piston rings as a set if the clearance is over specified value. Piston Side Clearance : Top Ring a : 0. Replace piston pin if outer diameter is less than specified value. Page Inspection Of Crankshaft 32 Inspection of Crankshaft Measure crankshaft journal outer diameter a and crank pin outer diameter b. Replace crankshaft if either outer diameter is less than specified value.

Place cylinder block upside down on the work bench. Install piston to connecting rod 1. Do not attach piston rings. Install crankshaft on the cylinder block. Place plasti-gauge 3 on each crank pin 4 parallel to crankshaft. Place cylinder block on the work bench with cylinder head side facing downward. Install bearing 1 and crankshaft 2 to cylinder block 3. Remove crank case and measure width of crushed plasti-gauge on each main journal.

Replace bearing if the width is over specified value. Crankshaft Main Journal Oil Clearance : 0. Page Power Unit Put pistons into cylinder with piston crown 1 "UP" mark directing flywheel side and piston slider 6 set on the pistons. Before installing, apply engine oil to piston peripheral surfaces, piston rings and piston sliders. Page Install bearing half to crank case. Apply 4 stroke engine oil to bearings. Apply sealing agent to mating surface of crank case both sides, overall.

Page Power Unit Install oil filter and tighten it to specified torque by using oil filter wrench. Apply thin coat of engine oil to O-ring before 4st OIL installing oil filter. Install power unit 3, and tighten bolts 4 in two or three steps to specified torque.

Page Power Unit Reconnect warning lamp, start switch and stop switch. Tiller Handle Model Reconnect remote control harness coupler. Remote Control Model Install key and flywheel. Check that maximum diameter section of slide 1 is at neutral start mark 2. If not, adjust lower side of cable. It is not necessary to remove starter spring from starter case if it is not necessary to replace it. Page Installation Of Recoil Starter 42 Installation of Recoil Starter Reverse disassembly procedure to assemble by taking care of the following matters.

When setting starter spring into starter case, face starter spring outer edge hook to the right and set it into peripheral cut of starter case. Run starter rope through rope guide 1. Page Special Tools Lower Unit 1. Page Inspection Items Lower Unit 3. Refer to "Replacement of Gear Oil" in Chapter 3. Put a piece of wooden block between anti-cavitation plate and propeller 4 to prevent rotation of propeller, and remove propeller nut 2 and then propeller.

Page Removing Lower Unit 3 Removing Lower Unit Removal of lower unit does not require removal of power unit from outboard motor body. Remove spring pin and disconnect shift rod. Check impeller 2 and pump case liner 3 for crack and wear. Check key 4, water pump guide plate 5 and drive shaft groove a for wear.

Then, push clutch pin 2 lightly while apply preload to push rod 4 to pull out the pin. Check reverse gear C gear teeth and clutch for crack or damage. Be careful of direction of cam rod. Measure drive shaft runout. Runout Limit : 0. Use a press to attach new drive shaft bearing to drive shaft 2.

Install new taper roller bearing outer race 6. Perform shim adjustment when taper roller bearing, gear, drive shaft, propeller shaft or gear case is replaced. Page Lower Unit Install pump case lower and gasket to guide plate. Secure guide plate with small bolts 5. Use four short bolts 5. M6 P1. Page Insert thickness gauge 8 into cut a of shimming gauge 2 6 to measure pinion gear B gear height, while pulling up the drive shaft in the direction shown by arrow.

Attach new O-ring 1 and pump case lower 2. Page Install pump case upper ass'y 9 on the gear case, and tighten bolts 0 in two or three steps to specified torque.

Apply grease in the interior of pump case liner, and install pump case upper by pushing it down with hand while turning drive shaft Connect water pipe securely. Move flywheel a little or shift gear into reverse R , install propeller, and turn propeller shaft counterclockwise to engage spline. Attach lower unit ass'y to drive shaft housing, and tighten lower unit installation bolts 1 to specified torque.

Page Set both engine side and gear case side gear shifts to neutral N. Download Link. Tohatsu 2. Tohatsu 9. Tohatsu M2. Tohatsu M3. Tohatsu MFS2. Outboard motors Tohatsu - strong, light and environmental friendly engines with low emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Tohatsu uses high quality aluminum alloy and zinc coating of internal surfaces in its motors.

The introduction of the new engine painting process in not only changed the design of the engines, but also significantly improved their corrosion protection.

The body of the Tohatsu engine is protected by several layers of special coatings, after which four layers of paint and a layer of special varnish are applied. Tohatsu Corporation offers outboard engines ranging from 2.

For our country, the fact that Tohatsu motors are undemanding to the quality of fuel and oils is important. On the boats with the engines of this Japanese company, many records were set. One of them, no one in the world can beat for the past 10 years - in on a boat with a Tohatsu engine with a capacity of 2. The Atlantic Ocean was crossed.

Unlike manufacturers of other brands, the company Tohatsu does not refuse the production of two-stroke engines, but on the contrary, improves and expands its model range. Tohatsu two-stroke outboard motors have a reputation for powerful and reliable outboard motors with moderate weight and compactness. The sales hit is the updated Tohatsu 5BDS, which has two fuel tanks - built-in, 2. A distinctive feature of the TLDI system is the dual throttle position sensor TPS , which provides an accurate balance of air and fuel.

Outboard outboard motors with direct fuel injection TLDI series have fuel consumption of 4-stroke models and 2-stroke performance. The TLDI system makes it possible to run smooth and steady at low revs with much less vibration, and provides the engine with good acceleration.

Tohatsu company has established itself as a manufacturer of highly reliable 2-stroke engines of low and medium power. They are distinguished from competitors by their simplicity of construction, the use of reliable and proven technologies, and an excellent weight-to-power ratio.

Tohatsu 2-stroke engines have a reputation for reliable and powerful engines with moderate weight and compactness.



Tohatsu service manual download. TOHATSU MFS25 Service Manual

    Page Loosen rocker arm lock nut 6, and turn adjusting screw 7 to set valve clearance to specified value. Take special care not to scratch painted surface or mating surfaces of cylinder and crankcase. Connect to Facebook. Page Special Tools Bracket 1. Replace crankshaft if either outer diameter is less than specified value. Measure specific gravity of electrolyte. Enter the number of item to be checked.

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